23/12/07 MEDIA RELEASE / A Free People, A Free Nation!

Immediate Release: 24 December 2007

Media Inquiries:
Naomi Archer, Communications Liaison (828) 230-1404; lakotafree @gmail.com or press@lakotafreedom.com
Lakota Freedom: Treaty Withdrawal For Elders and Children
Sovereignty Action Sparks World Discussion, Disagreement, Inspiration
Lakota – What began as sparsely attended press conference announcing Lakota sovereignty has grown into an
international roar of freedom inspiring people on every continent and sparking excitement and discussion in
homes, tribal councils, schools, and on internet blogs and message boards. Across Indian Country in particular,
the impact of the sovereign action is creating both inspiration and concern as the reality of freedom sinks in.
But mixed with the excitement and joy are concerns the Lakota people’s needs will not be fully met, especially
needs and concerns of the youth.
Lakota Freedom delegate and Oglala Lakota Cante Tenza - Strongheart Warrior Society leader Canupa Gluha
Mani (Duane Martin Sr.) issued the following statement after discussion with the Strongheart Grandmothers:
“The whole Lakota declaration of withdrawal from the treaty is vested on the power of the Lakota
people and our children.
When we undertook the process of announcing the withdrawal, the capacity was far greater than most
people anticipated about an individual. But throughout our history, the people have never excluded
anyone within their own lifeway and when it becomes a listener’s view that its about one individual, one
individual does not represent the nation itself, the nation represents the individual, and that is Lakota.
The withdrawal is for the people, the Elders, mothers, fathers, and the children.
Throughout our history and through the enforcement of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934,
Congress said they would oversee the provisions of 1868 (Fort Laramie Treaty), but they failed to do so.
Some minor provisions were kept, but overall the treaty was not honored. Because if the treaty was
honored, we would not have this colonial catastrophe of alcoholism, drug abuse and poverty and we
wouldn’t have the overall high incarceration rate of the male and female in the prison populations. This
leads to our children being taking away by Social Services which puts our children out of balance from
learning the traditional lifeway. When the children can reconnect with who they are, they come back to the process of knowing what is
Lakota in the true point of view. In this true point of view Lakota is about being free and left alone, so
we can govern and save our own with the teachings of the Animal Nations.
If we can conclude with this statement in the positive venue, its not about Russell Means, and certainly
not about Canupa Gluha Mani or any individual, this about the Lakota Nation and the Animal People
who are no longer alone.”
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota
and Montana who have withdrawn from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and
independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and
independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please
visit our new website at www.lakotafreedom.com.

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